Nottingham – the business plan – SWOT analysis – part three – “O”

The third part of the analysis of the SWOT thing looks at the Opportunities we have.


We have already put in place (or are well on the way to) some great infrastructure – the tram extensions, dualling of the A453 southern access route, Ring Road improvements and the Station improvements. Some of these projects were long overdue – but are actually ‘on-site’ and due for completion on the horizon.

These should give us new impetus. These should be the catalyst for the future opportunities.

I have already touched upon the ‘soft’ skills of the City – the talented people. But what else is there? What are the opportunities.

When I was a part of the Sheriffs Commission (and I’m far from bitter about being thrown off it!) it was clear that there remains a huge opportunity to take advantage of the world-class brand that is Robin Hood. No matter that he is a myth or wears green tights! This is Nottingham’s biggest opportunity. The Castle Working Group have their second bid before the Heritage Lottery Fund – the first failed. But we should, if necessary without Government funding, find a way of capitalising on Robin Hood / The Sheriff of Nottingham and Nottingham Castle. Not I’m afraid the 1831 Riots.

Our second opportunity is to tap into the growth sectors – Bio-science, Data capture, Creativity. These can all help differentiate us. Our two world class Universities can sometimes appear to be somewhat insular and buried in ‘research’ – but if they are engaged you find a wealth of people willing to help the cause. They are as keen as anyone to make Nottingham better.

I have highlighted the plight of our shopping centres and the mess that we know as Broad Marsh. But there is a chance that whilst these are at ‘rock bottom’ we could turn this into an opportunity. Alternative uses might best be tabled now – rather than when (if) the retail market improves. We should grasp this?

There are lots of other opportunities we can look at – do you have something for the list?

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