The Tram in Nottingham

There was great news at the end of last week about the Nottingham Tram – phases two and three are about to start. This has been a long time in the making, but the reality is about to hit home.

A secret picture of a new Nottingham Tram....

The announcements last week about the awarding of the contract to TramLink Nottingham are very real as I have some letters on my desk at work telling me that one of my clients in Beeston is going to have his land taken on 16th January 2012 – less than a month away. It will be good to see the diggers getting started – with the first trams likely to run in 2014.

I will also see the benefit at work too as the tram is about to run past my front door – thus meaning I can stop paying a fortune to the City for parking in town! I spent £30 last week!

I do like the suggestion on their web-site that they are hoping to offer contracts to local suppliers – this should be good for Nottingham jobs. Hopefully we can avoid another Bomardier debacle?

The A453 meanwhile is still apparently fast-tracked. But unlike the Tram there are no dates for starting. I just wonder how long it will be before we discover that there are few technical issues to be resolved.

But as a very wise friend of mine said last week I bet by the time of the next election there will be some bright yellow diggers on that A453. Cynical? – perhaps. Probable? – certainly!

My only request for the Tram is that look at the fare structure. Last time I went on was over a year ago. I didn’t realise you needed quite so much money! Take a lesson from New York – $2.25 (around £1.45) for a ride – anywhere on the network. And discounted if you buy a carnet. Public transport needs to have great geographical coverage – but it also need to be cheap!

4 comments on “The Tram in Nottingham

  1. I think we’re spoilt in Nottingham with the tram, but may be don’t realise it. I was out in the ‘burbs this morning dropping my Volvo off for its annual fettle. It was a three minute walk to the nearest tram stop, a five minute walk from the Market Square to the office (via Costa!). And I’ve got a return back, all for £3.20. I call that good value.

    • Excellent – I went one way, not very far, for £2.60? Not so good value – especially when you have to pay for Mrs G too! You volvo drivers are easy to please!

  2. Glad its kicking off quickly. Tim, what has been the impact on commercial property prices / lettings along Line 1 since it opened? Is there a genuine impact?

    • Nick, it’s an interesting question. Unfortunately the market vagaries get in the way of true comparison. However, NET did do some work which they shared with me last year. The general view, ignoring the market, was that there was about a 10% uplift in values around a tram stop. However, the real benefit was seen in kick-starting stalled development – which was much more prevalent.


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