Robin Hood and Nottingham

A few years ago I was part of the Sheriff’s Commission looking at the ways in which Nottingham could capitalise on Robin Hood. I was rather unceremoniously removed and the commission fell apart soon thereafter. One of the guardians and main advocates of Robin Hood is Bob White – who is involved in the Robin Hood Society. I was delighted to hear from him yesterday and he sent me this:

For the very first time, the business, commercial, community and creative sectors in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire are being asked for their frank and considered views on the often controversial and divisive question of the under-valued and under-exploited marketing and promotional potential of the areas traditional and globally famous Robin Hood connections. In a serious effort to get to the root of this frequently embarrassing problem, the internet-based World Wide Robin Hood Society is currently conducting a survey to canvass commercial opinion that may help shed some light on the sensitive issue.

Society chairman, Bob White says “Even though the legendary Robin Hood connections have the power to endear the City to millions of people, the failure to recognise the full potential of the “brand” can destroy Nottingham’s marketing and promotional reputation at a stroke and also threaten to under-mine all the good achievements the City is renowned for. The responses we receive to our simple, “Sixty Second Survey” will hopefully reveal the true feelings and concerns of the businesses community and local organisations etc. and help establish the basis for a future strategy of suggested solutions that make the most of the associations with our global legend. To ensure that the survey represents a complete picture, we are just as interested in hearing the negative views as we are the positive ones.”


To emphasise the extensive diversity of the iconic “brand” and how it impacts on a wide range of public perceptions, the Society has also produced a Robin Hood Brand Awareness Guide to accompany the survey and help promote some balanced and informed debate and provide relevant background information.

Bob White points out that “In marketing and promotional terms the Robin Hood brand is a 24/7, 365 days a year phenomenon that has reached the pinnacle of public recognition as an international icon of popular culture. Consequently, this sets the bar high for visitors’ expectations and although both the City and the County are pursuing projects to address significant Robin Hood-related attractions at Nottingham Castle and Sherwood Forest, the precise details of their proposed content have yet to be revealed. So Nottingham’s current, main Robin Hood focus is STILL the statue beneath the Castle walls that was erected in 1952 by a benefactor because there was nothing for visitors to see about the legendary outlaw. What a condemnation – that over sixty years on, nothing has really changed!

The Robin Hood Business Survey is available to be completed on line at and the Robin Hood Brand Awareness Guide can be viewed and down-loaded at

Please help by completing the survey!

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