HS2 – off the rails?

I hear that the proposed HS2 line may have come off the rails. Although the public announcement hasn’t quite reached the hinterlands of Nottingham.

I was concerned a month or so ago, as I had heard that the HS2 line might end up in Derby rather than Nottingham. There was a view that Derby had deserved some good rail press – although Toton sidings had, in my view, always been the perfect solution. Of course the mess over Bombardier missing out on UK contracts would have caused some red faces in Whitehall. Perhaps HS2 would be a the sop?

But this might no longer be the case. There are a few Tories who might have to manage their clipped fairways and greens colleagues and friends. Too many valleys impacted seems to be a theme emerging. And that’s without a debate about the cost. The inside track (sorry!) suggests that HS2 has gone of the boil a little.

I had publicly supported HS2 – and still do. But conditionally. I want it in my back yard (I guess that makes me an IMBY?) My campaigning was on the back of a Nottingham connection – frankly anywhere else would be a waste.

In the last few weeks I have also travelled to London a lot – always by train. I have been thinking about the journey time. At around 90 minus it’s not too bad a journey. Electrification might shave 10 minutes off that.

By the time I’m sat down, sorted my tickets, grabbed tea, fired up the MAcBook – I probably only get an hours work done. In fact last week I was praying for a delay as I was trying to finish something…

So is this a disaster if it doesn’t happen? Probably not on refection…

2 comments on “HS2 – off the rails?

  1. Looks like the route of HS2 north of Brum would go between Derby and Nottingham en route to Leeds so through Toton looks a logical route, quite how this benefits Derby or Nottingham is something else. From a website I have found….”Parkway probably between Derby/Notts. Or Will pick up interchange close to EM airport”

    Check this link out if interested.. dont honestly know what the up to date position is …


    • Yes, that was the plan. But I have heard from an ‘interesting’ source who is close to the project that all is not well in Whitehall – for the whole project.


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