As Pretty as an Airport / Car Park

I love the phrase ‘as pretty as an airport’. It most sums up most airports – which we usually regard as places we need to spend as little time as possible in.


But Lyon St. Exupery Airport is actually very attractive. But then it should be – it was designed in part by one of my favourite Architects – Santiago Calatrava. He designed the Turning Torso building in Malmo -another of my favourite buildings I blogged about before here.

This really is a stunning piece of architecture – opened in 1994 it represents the wings of a bird. It is fair to say that it has a ‘wow’ factor. When we arraived there was a bride and groom in the airport having their photos taken! I have never seen that…


But I also saw a car park which was nothing like I have ever seen before. It is known at the Parc De Celestin and reminds you of catacombs. There is a periscope at ground level which allows you to look down, although it was difficult to work out as there is a mirror at its base! This was an amazing piece of engineering – pushing cars underground – but quite spectacularly!

Who would have though that a car park could be pretty! Or an airport for that matter.

Tomorrow – here comes the light….

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