Forget the camera!

I’ve had quite a few comments about the camera Santa idea. Mostly negative unfortunately.


But I have a new plan.

I still have a Pilot’s Licence – although we need to go and bash some circuits to get it back live. And this week there is a useful addition to my travel armoury – if you are feeling generous. A plane. And it’s at Tollerton (where I learned to fly!). When I wrote this post the bidding was just over £36,000 which must be something of a bargain? You can see the on-line bidding here. Bidding ends Thursday!

I am sure if there was a generous benefactor we could arrange for a bit of a spin?

Post script – the plane was sold for just under £100,000 … a bargain?

By Tim GARRATT Posted in Grumpy Old Man!, Nottingham Tagged Cirrus Design, Pilots Licence, plane, Present, Snata, Tollerton

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