The reality of fighting cancer – a special blog


Nick’s blog post this morning is timely. Yesterday I had news that someone who I knew from sometime ago had been killed in a car crash; two weeks ago one of my son’s friends lost his mum. A bit sobering but these things put life in perspective and make you realise the fragility of life. I’m off piste with you today Nick – and perhaps we should all join in from time to time? I only met Theo a couple of times – but wish him well.


I’m going rather ‘off piste’ with this special blog, but I want to show my support and hopefully raise the profile a little more of the terrible range of diseases referred to as Cancer. Perhaps more specifically, this is about the reality of fighting and living with the disease.

I suspect most people in the world have some personal link to Cancer, either personally or perhaps more commonly through family/ friends etc. I know its still something that some people struggle to talk about which is entirely understandable. Fortunately my personal experience of cancer in relation to close personal family/ friends is rather limited (and long may that continue!), but I do know many people who’s experience and loss have been significant. It is an utterly cruel disease.

Recently I have met with a close former colleague Theo Pywowarczuk. Theo was unfortunately diagnosed with cancer last year and has undergone…

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