A must see place in Nottingham …

Cobden Chambers has opened its doors to the public. This is a hidden gem of a place behind the Bodega Pub on Pelham Street – just a few yards from the Market Square.


I called in on Sunday.

Last week I spoke at a Creative Quarter workshop (which I’ll pick upon tomorrow). I was asked to give my views on how were re-engineer Nottingham for the future – how we re-imagine the place and make it sustainable. I don;t pretend to have all of the answers – but one of my bug-bears is the growth of the multiple retailers and the general demise of the independents.

Cobden Chamber is all about independents. It’s quirky, slightly subversive and fiercely independent. It’s a little bit hidden too so you have to make the effort to go there. That is part of the charm of the amazingly open-yard when you get there.

I hope that it is a success. I hope that Ideas on Paper becomes the definitive place to pick up the trendy thought provoking magazines! I bought my Monocle magazine on Sunday and ordered a book.

The shop is a little treasure trove. The bundles of old stamps were fascinating – I’m trying to find a use for them!

When you have finished wandering around – go and have a coffee at Wired opposite – and tell them I sent you!

Update on Alex’s magazine shop here.

One comment on “A must see place in Nottingham …

  1. Pingback: Notingham – Great Stuff #10 | Tim Garratt's Blog

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