I hate Sainsbury’s….

Last night I had a comment left on my blog by Paul Johnson – you can see it here.

Fancy a Starbucks love? Well not here ...

It seems that Sainsbury’s have decided to put their own Cafe into my ‘local’ store INSTEAD OF STARBUCKS. As far as I am concerned this is Sacrilege.

Have you been in their cafes? They are awful. Like upmarket transport cafes.

I was worried earlier in the year when Starbucks tricked me into thinking they were closing – It was an April fool, not a funny one. This isn’t funny either.

I was suspicious earlier this year when Starbucks were rolling out their free wi-fi for ‘cardholding’ customers. Apparently we couldn’t have this at Castle Marina because wi-fi interferes with the tills? Oh please!

It seems to me that we need a call to action here.

Is shall be objecting to their application – which you can find here. Feel free to object too!

The statement about Starbucks is buried in the ‘statement of community involvement document’. As Paul spotted the statement was

“Sainsbury’s has balanced the need to improve the store and offer cooked food in its own restaurant against feedback in
support of the Starbucks concession. The proposed Sainsbury’s restaurant will offer a wider choice of hot and cold drinks and food.
The number of requests to retain Starbucks were even with comments in support of introducing a Sainsbury’s restaurant.”

So the number of requests to retain were the same as a request for a Sainsbury’s own cafe but they have decided that this even vote is a vote against Starbucks?

I shall be writing to the Managing Director Justin King. You can email him too if you like – his email address is . I am sure he would love to hear from us fans of Starbucks.

And then it is time I stopped buying my lunch there! I shall encourage all of my staff to similarly boycott the store and go to Boots at Riverside instead.

I shall also stop buying petrol there. This alone will hit store takings – two weeks ago I went there four days in a row…

I then need to find a new store for Starbucks… This is a priority.

This news has ruined my week! I now hate Sainsbury’s.


I have heard from Darcy – MD of Satrbucks (via Twitter) that things may not be quite as bad as we hoped.

18 comments on “I hate Sainsbury’s….

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention I hate Sainsbury’s…. « Tim Garratt's Blog -- Topsy.com

  2. I think I’m depressed. Life will be so empty without Starbucks in the morning. We should organise a protest, with such catchy banners as ‘Keep Starbucks or lose your bucks’.

    • I am arranging a sit-in…

      I shall also order some chains and locks from ebay!

      Please write to the MD of Sainsbury;’s and your local MP. Actually the PM (both of him). This is of National importance!

  3. Pingback: Do they know it’s Christmas – part 2 « Tim Garratt's Blog

  4. Pingback: Starbucks the movie « Tim Garratt's Blog

  5. Hey Tim, I heard today that Darcy had got back to you… Nice work! I’ve Been looking to see what he said and came across this…
    See you in the morning!
    Your favourite Starbucks Manager!

    • It’s a serious matter Nikki ! Am still waiting to hear from the MD of Sainsbury’s – in response to my email! See you soon!! Hope you like the cartoon too… Tim

  6. As a fellow customer of this wonderful store, I can state that I believe Sainsburys have not had equal amounts of support as objection due to the fact when they put their book out for comments it was overwhelmingly negative to the removal of the starbucks.
    I myself used to shop at sainsburys for my groceries after a visit to starbucks , but upon hearing their intention to close the store I no longer have any desire to support them.
    Sainsburys has slowly been getting worse over the past few months anyway with their tacky posters everywhere in the car park and their cash and carry type displays at the front.
    I very much doubt they could run a cafe to a tenth of the standard of the current starbucks, which has not only excellent coffee but service to match.

    • Simon, I entirely agree. The staff in Starbucks tell me that it is not closing; the MD of Starbucks also told me the closure was news to him too.
      I guess time will tell, but I won’t be drinking Sainsburys coffee!

  7. Pingback: Another milestone…. « Tim Garratt's Blog

  8. Pingback: Sticky nectar – waste of time « Tim Garratt's Blog

  9. Hi Tim,

    Just a quick update – spotted this story on the Evening Post website today -NCC’s committee has granted permission for the store re-configuration.


    Here’s hoping they’ve seen sense and that the Starbucks stays.


    Also – on a separate note in case you haven’t heard – A Costa Drive-thru is being built in Castle Meadow retail park.


    Might be okay for some, but I really prefer Starbucks coffee. :o(

    • Paul, I agree, it needs to be Starbucks. The latest I heard was that the Starbucks was to remain, but I am speaking to them in the NEw Year…

      Happy Christmas and thanks for the comments!


  10. Sadly it looks like the Starbucks has indeed closed(as of 31st July 2013), to be eventually replaced by Sainsburys own dire cafe. Poor food, poor coffee, crappy seating is what we have to look forward to. We only went to Sainsburys because of the Starbucks, so thats our business lost.

    • Peter, I noticed that last week, the staff in Sainsbury’s did tell me there was to be a new cafe. All of the one’s they run that I have seen are pretty awful – so I don’t hold out much hope! I had moved to Costa anyway (even though I prefer Starbucks brew!). It has been noticeably busier over the last few days,I’m sure Costa are delighted!!

  11. Costa Coffee it is, I must say I prefer to pay my hard earned money to a British company that pay their UK taxes anyway. A far cry from Starbucks

  12. We have had the same thing happen in Harrogate. They closed our lovely Starbucks which we visited a few times a week and knew the staff well to be replaced with what I can only call a ‘staff cantee’. Dreadful coffee, tired boring food, harsh lighting, plain drab regimented decor and seating. We have tried it twive and will not be visiting again. I will as a result no longer be shopping at Sainsbury’s and will do my main shops at Waitrose and Booths.

    Did Sainsbury’s close Starbucks as Justin King doesn’t like companies operating in the UK not paying full corporation tax?

    • Martin, it is really odd that Sainsbury’s think they can compete with Starbucks / Costa /Nero etc. They plainly cannot. Even the ‘enticing’ pictures that have appeared at the Nottingham store in the last week look like have come from a greasy spoon cafe in the 1970’s. It is about as uninspiring as uninspiring gets!

      I certainly won’t be heading their for their machine prepared cappuccino…


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