A sad day today – P R F Morley RIP

I heard this morning that Peter Morley FRICS (‘PRFM” as he was known) passed away in Norfolk. Peter had just stepped down as Senior Partner as I arrived at Walker Walton Hanson in 1983. He became a Consultant and I worked alongside him until he ‘retired’ a few years later. My memory of his ‘retirement’ is sketchy, since in reality I don’t think he ever did!

Peter was a real character – and made his name selling houses in Nottingham over a long period! He was a true ‘agent’ and used to tell stories about how he ‘brokered’ deals – he had a very loyal following.

In fact he remained a Director of Aspley Hall Estate until his death. He still had a sharp mind at the last Board meeting he came to last year!

He was a life member at Nottingham Park Squash Club. He was always interested in the club and I had the pleasure of showing him around when the club was extended a few years ago.

He had spent the last few months in a Nursing Home in Norfolk – where he had made a home in his retirement. Peter was 97.

Peter was very good to me in my early years in and he will be missed. He was a true gentleman. As I said, it’s a sad day.

Update 30.4.11

It was Peters funeral today at Fring Church in deepest Norfolk. It turns out that he was 96 – he was born on 24th November 1914 just as World War One had broken out. He started his professional life in the South before having a spell in two old Nottingham firms – Hallam Brackett and Dickens and Berry. War broke out and he was called up into the Navy. He left the Navy in 1946 and returned to Nottingham. There was chance meeting with Charles Hanson, the then Senior Partner of Walker Walton Hanson and he joined the firm to sell houses – on condition that he got his qualifications. Peter qualified with the RICS in 1949. By 1970 he was Senior Partner where he remained until his retirement in 1981. He then moved to Norfolk with his (second) wife Lisa. He became Chairman of the Kings Lynn Preservation Trust. One of his biggest claims to fame was that he brought International Tennis to Nottingham in the early 1970′s. The JPS Tournament had the biggest names of the day – Nastase, Connors, Stan Smith but a few. He had a similar influence at Nottingham Squash Club – taking the Club to one of the top 4 in the UK.

Most of my old Partners from Walker Walton Hanson turned out to say their farewells to Peter. And this reminded me of a promise I made myself to try and document WWH. Many years ago, a brief history was written by the late John Porter. I may have tracked a copy down – and hope to publish this – with an update to the end of WWH in July 1994 – when the firm was sold to Savills.

But today was Peters day – centre stage where he belonged in life!

By Tim Garratt Posted in Business, Nottingham Tagged Aspley Hall Estate, Nottingham Park Squash Rackets Club, Peter Morley, Walker Walton Hanson

6 comments on “A sad day today – P R F Morley RIP

  1. Hello Tim
    Thank you for your blog and your obituary of my Grandpa. He will indeed be missed, but it was his time and he was very proud to have reached the grand old age of 97 (he was born in 1914). He certainly was a character and to say he was a gentleman is very true – I don’t ever remember him without a tie on, even at the breakfast table or mowing his lawns with my brother and I climbing all over him! He took good manners and formalities very seriously.
    Perhaps we will see you at his funeral which is in Fring church, Norfolk on Saturday 30th April at 11.30am.
    Charlotte Croser

    • Charlotte – thanks for making contact. I have some great memories of Peter – and hope to see you next week at his funeral. Best wishes to you all, Tim

  2. Tim

    Hearing of “PR’s” passing brought on a stream of memories I have of this remarkable man.

    He gave me my first great break in the property world when he asked me to join the firm way back in the late 60′s. The job was to head up the residential sales and bring it into the second half of the Century.

    Peter was Senior Partner at that time. I remember his wit and sense of humour especially when things were not going well.

    My respect for the way in which Peter acted on behalf of clients shaped me for the rest of my life. A truly loveable man who warmed both hands before the fire of life. I prefer to think not so much of his death but more his well deserved elevation.

    Best wishes
    Bob Beckett

  3. Pingback: Housing – have we learned anything? | Tim Garratt's Blog

  4. Hi Tim,
    I`m afraid i am out of touch with old contacts from WW&H days but having just added some memories to Friends Reunited for the first time i picked up on your blog and the sad passing of `PRFM`. What an extrodinary man he was and my first major influence as a 16 year old (1964) at Byard Lane. My first role was working the duplicating machine in the basement and for a long time Peter referred to me as the `long haired basement boy`. I would be summoned and have to wait in line to be directed, becoming ever more nervous as my time came to be standing at his desk. Then the days of proud elevation if i had been instructed to accompany him on an appointment in his Rover 90 which he drove as if no other driver had a right to be on the road! I can say without any doubt whatsever he was the sole reason i wanted to become a Chartered Surveyor for which i then studied and finally qualified having spent most of my school days at Loughborough Grammar concentrating on playing rugby and the Girls High School rather than studying!
    I have very special memories of those days when there were only a handful of agents, Hallam & Bracket, Dickens & Berry, Frank Innes, Neales, Turner Fletcher & Essex, Arthur & Co. (then Arthur Beardsley then Beardsley Theobald). Alongside PRFM there were some amazing partners, John Dady, Alec Hardy, Derek Morley, Charles and Robert Hanson, Chris Trafford and what a priviledge it was to have worked with them i consider myself very lucky to have had such early influences.

    Hope you are well Tim, i speak to Matthew Hannah occasionally who`s father Neil was another massive influence on my life. Still working for Countrywide running the Exclusive Homes for Frank Innes, Spencers and Bairstow Eves so my life seems to get busier than what it should be!!

    All the best
    Alan (Alan Hunt)

    • Alan, I too have great memories of that period. sadly Alec passed away a couple of years ago and I understand Derrick is rather poorly – although I have lost track of him. I played golf with Robert about six weeks ago in the Neil Hannah tournament.

      Do you remember you and I spending a day in jail a few years ago? (best keep that quiet from the RICS)…

      I did see you in town a few weeks ago and realised it was you as I had dashed passed! Next time, I’ll stop.

      Good to hear from you!



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