Big brother?

I’m becoming more concerned by the day about targeted adverts.

When I was at MIPIM this year I very nearly bought a watch. I don’t actually need another watch – but that’s hardly the point is it? I saw a Meistersinger watch in one of the boutique stores and almost splashed the cash – I didn’t. I was sensible. I came home with a view to doing a bit more research.


I still haven’t bought a new watch.

But every time I log onto Facebook I am confronted with adverts for “Iconic Watches’ – and the link takes me to on-line stores I have visited. Yesterday I got my morning edition of Gizmag – with the days latest gadget offering and the mast advert is … watches. Iconic watches.

I have no real issue with being targeted as part of a wider demographic – but this is plain intrusive. It’s clever – but cannot be right.

They do say that Google know about your searches before you start them – that is why when you start typing in the search box it guesses the next part of the sentence or search. But this new level of ‘guessing’ is a step too far?

What else do they know about us?

And why do they think I want a Bellroy Wallet too? I have never searched for one of those?

A new watch?

Sometimes you just don’t know what Santa could bring you. You will know if you hand around here that I often ‘plug’ stuff for people – the nice people at Jaguar lent me some of their cars for an afternoon. I’m still waiting for a go in a plane – but I haven’t given up just yet!


I like watches too. I have a few. My day watch was acquired in New York a few years ago.

But what about this. This is not a watch. It is a horological machine. It’s made by MB&F – a Swiss company. There are just 18 of them in the world.

Obviously getting your paws on them is a challenge! And if you do – and want to keep it – it’s a cool £57,250…

Please Santa. I will believe in you again if you leave one of these for me. Promise. Alternatively Mr MB&F I’m prepared to test drive the watch for a while and I’ll lend you my original Timex watch as a deposit…